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Donation Overview

Many events have a fundraising component and asking for a donation during the registration process is the best place to solicit and receive payment for one or more funds. Suggested donation amounts are configurable per event so registrants have a better idea of the size of gift that would be appropriate. Up to 5 different donation allocations can be configured. The selected donation amount will be included on the event fee summary page.

From the Event page, choose the Donation Tab and select edit. It is very important that the ‘Display Optional Donation’ checkbox is clicked for this page to render on the registration form. You are able to enter suggested gift amounts similiar to entering pick list items. Do not enter dollar signs or commas and seperate each amount by a carriage return/line feed. You do not need to specify an ‘Other’ option as that will automatically be added, along with a field to capture the donor’s custom donation amount. See example below.

Also, you are able to configure the Donation page Header and subtitle, along with choosing one or more donation allocations.


This is how the Donation page appears during the registration process.


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