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Developing the Summit Events App with CumulusCI

The Summit Events App is developed using the tooling provided by Specifically CumulusCI. The following recording is an overview of how CumulusCI is used in the development of the Summit Events App and was recorded during the May 2022 Open Source Commons Community Sprint.

Learn about CumulusCI

The best way to get up to speed about CumulusCI is to complete their convenient Trailhead.

Contributing development using CumulusCI

  1. Install CumulusCI and its requirements.
  2. Clone or fork and clone
    • Clone if you have attended an OSC Sprint
    • Fork and clone your fork if you are an outside community contributor
  3. Create and checkout in a new branch
    • git checkout -b thad_test_branch
    • All contributions need to be in branches that eventually turn into pull requests
    • Branch name should be issue number if there is one and then description of anticipated change
      • 245-fix-checkbox-input-value
      • 245-fix_checkbox_input_value
  4. Connect your dev hub org
     sfdx auth:web:login -d -a EDA-PROD-DEV-HUB -r
  5. Default your dev org. This is optional but if you are developing it allows you to stop referencing your org target in commands (–org org_target)
     cci org default dev
  6. Spinning up your scratch org
     cci flow run dev_org
  7. Open your scratch org
     cci org browser 
  8. Listing changes that have happened in your org since creation
     cci task run list_changes

    It is sometimes important to exlude some changed metadata.

     cci task run list_changes –exclude Profile
  9. Retrieving changes that have happened since last your retrieved from the org or created the org.
     cci task run retrieve_changes

    It is sometimes important to exlude some changed metadata.

     cci task run retrieve_changes –exclude Profile
  10. Pushing code changes to your scratch org.
    cci task run dx_push
  11. Create a pull request of your working changes on github
    • Add as much detail to the pull request as you can and follow the template provided. These comments will be added to the release when that happens.
    • Wait for another member of the team to approve the pull request and merge it into the main branch.

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