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October 2022 - Virtual Mini-Sprint

The Summit Events App Team, Community Volunteers and Users of the application came together for a 4-hour mini-sprint to tackle more of the documentation needs. Each Contributer listed below took an issue and worked through getting “pencil on paper” to provide Summit Event Users an opporunity to understand the tools functionality and how to solve potential use cases.

A major THANK YOU to the contirubtors of the mini-sprint for their dedication and time to continuing to make Summit Events a meaningful community application. We look forward to more contributing to the project and supporting the community.

Project Team

Thank you to the volunteers who contributed and engaged during this mini-sprint!

Project Resources

Project Theme & Goals

  • Theme: Documentation
  • Primary Goal: Transition and Create site documentation highlighting functionality for an Users of Summit Events (not just Admins)
  • Tasks: Assign Issues to contributors and get “pencil to paper”

Sprint Theme and Goals

Project Team Accomplishments

Future Contributions (AKA what was unable to be finish at the Mini-Sprint)

  • Complete the Started and In Progress Issues
  • Add images to pages that are all text (as appropriate)
  • Continue to close open issues and complete the Summit Events current state documentation

Team Needs:

  • need-developers
  • need-doc-writers
  • need-qa-testers
  • need-general-volunteers
  • need-social-media-engagement

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