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Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve and ensure future contributors know who to contact if they have questions! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included.

  • Team Leader(s): Ryan Blake, Thad Dahlberg, Jim Hubert
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Ryan Blake
  • List of all Contributors: Ryan Blake, Thad Dahlberg, Dean Ernzen, Farrah Friedrich, Justin Gilmore, Jeff Hilyard, Jim Hubert, Kim Katzenmeyer, Debbie Klein, Elisa Landgraf, Kathy Lueckeman, Akash Mishra, Kathryn Powell, Sandhya Rakesh, Caroline Renard, Shayna Stockton, Dar Veverka, TJ Warfield

Project Resources

Project Goals

  • Be Package Ready! (or SUPER close to it)! Details of what needs to be done are seen in 1-7.
  • Evaluate Global picklist uses
  • Enhance Transnational Emails - Document requirements & start development
  • Payment discussion - Capture what payment needs are and gateways being utilized.

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Mini-Sprint Project Board
  • Guidance on Packaging
  • Developed “philosophy” around what code is needed
  • “How to” on using Metecho for SEA collaboration
  • Admin initial setup documentation
  • Permission reviewed
  • End User Experience and Updates ** Page Layout Updates ** Field Label and Help Text Updates ** Picklist Updates for inclusivity
  • New Field to allow for asking Pronouns
  • Setup all collaborators to use Metecho (and most spun up a dev org), allowing everyone to get their hands dirty
  • Removed additional St. Thomas elements
  • Registrant Experience updates on VF page (Ex: Student to Registrant)
  • Great conversation around “What Payments Mean?” for the Open Source Summit Events App
  • EDA Dependency removed (pre-sprint)

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Additional Page Layout and User Experience Updates
  • Additional Help Text updates so there is clarity on intention of the field
  • Contact Creation and Match Logic without TDTM
  • Automated Email process (since TDTM triggers were removed)
  • Email functionality documentation (Setup and Merge field process)

Team Needs:

  • need-developer
  • need-doc-writer
  • need-qa-tester
  • need-user-stories
  • need-thought-leader
  • need-general-volunteers

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