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Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve and ensure future contributors know who to contact if they have questions! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included.

  • Team Leader(s): Ryan Blake, Thad Dahlberg, Jim Hubert, Kathy Lueckeman
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Ryan Blake, Jim Hubert
  • List of all Contributors: Jim Hubert, Brandelle Unkrich, Mike Walter, Gayle Grant, Ryan Blake, Candice Washington, Bryn Scott, Reed Marquand, Tasha Rucker, Donna Whitig, Heath Parks, Olena Elsea, Kathy Lueckeman, Jace Bryan, Dar Veverka, Thaddaeus Dahlberg, Daniel Fuller, Jeff Hilyard, Farrah Friedrich, TJ Warfield

Project Resources

Project Goals

  • Get more familiarity with the tool - Install process to Registration Management
  • Build some functional, standard reports
  • Enhance the email functionality to leverage native Salesforce templates
  • Capture User Stories and Use cases
  • Enhance the documentation for Install and Setup

Project Team Accomplishments

  • More users got into the tool with Trailhead and the Beta package
  • Highlighted some needs for development as it pertains to the package
  • Highlighted the needs for documentation (More images!)
  • Improved the documentation for install
  • Started Coding the Enhanced Email functionality - Proof of Concepts with LWC and Triggers
  • Captured and draft more thorough stories on Use Cases and User Stories
  • Email Reminders without Pardot/Marketing Cloud (or other third party applications)
  • Built 3 of 16 reports that are common use cases for reporting
  • Talk through upcoming Guest User changes
  • Talk aabout barriers to use while highlighting various use cases it’ll solve for

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Package Upgrade process documentation
  • Complete the enhanced Email process
  • Enhance the User Stories and Wiki docs
  • Build the other 13 reports
  • Solve for Guest User changes with Winter ‘21
  • Consideration for Account model differences and Contact Creation

Team Needs:

  • need-developer
  • need-doc-writer
  • need-qa-tester
  • need-general-volunteers

Prior to September Sprint 2020

September 23rd - Thursday, September 24th

Convert legacy documentation into Markdown [Done]

Convert to Lightning Component to run in lightning communities, visualforce pages, and us SLDS. [Done]

EDA Programs link to Events (currently link to ERx Programs, School lookup) [Changed]

Video walk-through of application for documentation purposes (How dose a user use the event application) [Done]

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