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Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve and ensure future contributors know who to contact if they have questions! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included.

  • Team Leader(s): Ryan Blake, Thad Dahlberg, Jim Hubert
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Ryan Blake, Jim Hubert
  • List of all Contributors: Akhilesh Baddigam, Ryan Blake, Rachel Bloom, Jace Bryan, Rex Clark, Thaddaeus Dahlberg, Sam Drella, Katie Gumpertz, Jeff Hilyard, Jim Hubert, Martin Humpolec, Sue Kolles, Elisa Landgraf, Kathleen Lueckeman, John McInnes, Tasha Rucker, Tiago Ruivo, Riley Schill, Brandelle Unkrich, Mike Walter, Donna Whitig, Robert Wynter, Stephanie Zeitz, Grace Kim, Corey Snow

Project Resources

Project Goals

  • Task focus! Tackle Issues in the backlog
  • Guest Registration design development
  • Documentation Cleanup
  • Create instructions for developing one’s own registration template

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Worked through the Guest Registration Prototype
  • Meaningful conversation around Guest Registration, calling for a phased approach
  • Highlighted some needs for development as it pertains to the package
  • Updated Documentation for install, setup and additional features (Registration Template)
  • Completed Issues #272, #254, #255, #204,
  • Security Review Update for AppExchange
  • Added additional documentation on how to collaborate
  • Started POC for “unlimited additional questions”
  • Documentation on Contact Matching updates!
  • Updated layouts

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Complete the enhanced Email process
  • Page Layout Updates (In Progress)
  • Update the API Version 51
  • Complete the Documentation cleanup
  • Campaign Functionality (requirements captured)
  • Complete “Phase 1” of Guest Registrant process
  • Screen Shots and details to Registration Page templates

Team Needs:

  • need-developer
  • need-doc-writer
  • need-qa-tester
  • need-general-volunteers

Prior to February Sprint 2021

  • Solved for Guest User changes with Spring ‘21 [Done]
  • Contact Matching and Contact creation process [Done]
  • Standard Reports within Package [Done]
  • Guest Registration Prototype [Done]
  • Add to Calendar functionality fixed and improved [Done]
  • Created Test Classes above 75% [Done]
  • Security Review process started: Initial Checkmarx Scan, fixed issues and reran scan [Done]
  • False Positive Documentation [In Progress]

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