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Project Team

Thank you to the volunteers who contributed and engaged during this sprint!

  • Team Leader(s): Ryan Blake
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Ryan Blake
  • List of all Contributors: Ryan Blake, Jeff Hilyard, Mike Walter, Donna Whitig, John Bono, Amir Abdelaziz, Sam Drella, Lindsey Griggs, Hart Larew, Brandelle Unkrich

Project Resources

Project Goals

  • Build “real” events for sample, demo and testing data
  • Work through the Appointments Object and call out potential issues
  • Update areas that need help text because it isn’t sufficient and/or functionality is unexplained
  • Create a widget/LWC for Add to Calendar link on the Confirmation page

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Created some real sample events that we’ll pull into a single place for more intentional and time efficient testing
  • Got fresh eyes on the project where unexplained functionality was called out, as well as help text updates needed
  • Progress towards putting a LWC on a VF Page for the Add to Calendar links
  • Walked through Email process for a start to improved documentation on emails
  • Called out issues and error with the Appointment Type and expected functionality
  • Create a new branch to capture updates from October Sprint

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Complete LWC for the Add to Calendar on the Confirmation Page
  • Create Issues in Github on errors with Appointment Types
  • Pull data from scratch orgs and configure for sample data
  • Create pull request for updates from sprint (Help Text, labels and Default Page Layouts)

Team Needs:

  • need-developer
  • need-doc-writer
  • need-qa-tester
  • need-general-volunteers

Prior to October Sprint 2021

  • Passed Security Review
  • Install accessible on MetaDeploy
  • Lead Creation/Matching added to the package
  • Documentation updated
  • Roles identified

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