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Project Team

Thank you to the volunteers who contributed and engaged during this sprint!

  • Team Leader(s): Ryan Blake
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Ryan Blake
  • List of all Contributors: Ryan Blake, Mike Walter, Thad Dahlberg, Krishna Y.

Project Resources

Project Goals

  • Find and fix the Wiki links that are broken
  • Work through the Appointments Object documented issues
  • Revisit the paused projects

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Started finding/documenting the broken links
  • Welcomed new project members and oriented them to the project
  • Reviewed and measured the Appointment Type/Appointment Issues
  • Meaningful conversation around some open issues related to future enhancements
  • Update the README file to remove the St. Thomas references as well as direct to the appropriate install link

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Create Issues in Github on errors with Appointment Types
  • Create pull request for updates from sprint (Help Text, labels and Default Page Layouts)
  • Completely update broken links in Wiki

Team Needs:

  • need-developer
  • need-doc-writer
  • need-qa-tester
  • need-general-volunteers

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