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Project Team

Thank you to the volunteers who contributed and engaged during this sprint!

Project Resources

Project Theme & Goals

  • Theme: Documentation
  • Primary Goal: Getting ready for the next release!
  • Secondary Goals: Create new functionality documentation, Capture Issues in expected functionality.
  • Tasks: Walk-through and update/improve existing documentation; Create pages for new documentation site; Call out “issues” or bugs


Project Team Accomplishments

  • Created a draft page structure
  • Allowed new(er) users to articulate what’s confusing and needs better explainations
  • Welcomed new project members and oriented them to the project
  • Reviewed Github Pages and how to create/update them for the primary documentation repo
  • Meaningful conversation around end-user guidance on create events
  • Created, Transitioned and updated pages on the Docuementation Site/Repo
  • Created Issues for bugs and/or feature enhancements

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Fix the Issues submitted
  • Transition all pages from the original wiki to the new docuementation repo

Team Needs:

  • need-developer
  • need-doc-writer
  • need-qa-tester
  • need-general-volunteers

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